Every Leader needs a Coach.

Partner with seasoned practitioners who have conquered the highs & lows of leadership. These certified coaches bring real-world experience and skills they've honed navigating the complexities of leading teams.

Meet Ours.


Shawn Lovejoy

is on mission to help leaders and their teams grow stronger and faster through 1:1 Coaching with Courage To Lead.

Shawn is a successful real estate developer, was a church planter and megachurch pastor, and is now leader of a fast growing coaching and consulting organization. He speaks all over the country on the areas of Leadership and Organizational Health. He is a published author of several books including Measuring Success, Be Mean About The Vision, and Building A Killer Team.

He has been married for over 30 years to his wife, Tricia, and together they have three grown children and two grandchildren.

Marketplace Coaches

Jason Delgado

Head of Coaching

Terry Douglas

Josh Chumley

Ministry Coaches

Adam Bishop

Mike Ash

Kevin Lloyd

Quovadis Marshall

Matt Piland

Matthew Trexler

Trent Stewart

Rusty George

Brandon Bilbo